2007年11月10日 星期六

Fruit 18_Apple蘋果







3 則留言:

蓝风 提到...

sorry,i know i should not leave a mesg here but i dun noe how to leave a mesgn......... actually this is not a comment for ur article but i need to ask u how u get the song of the top of ur blog......... may i noe the song name and plz tell me how to get the source,i try yam,mean the website adi but i dun noe how to download,plz tell me !! thaz

琬臻 提到...

The music is in this website.
http://mymedia.yam.com/ But this website's language is Chinese. You can input the keyword and search music(影音).Enters music, there are program(外嵌影音) nearby, it is stick the program in the place you want.

琬臻 提到...

This song name is 睡美人.(Sleeping Beauty)